Plant Biology
How do plants breathe?
Whether or not you like your sprouts, plants will likely form a major component of your diet: cereals, bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, chips, etc. all come from plants. Rice, maize and wheat alone make up 60% of the world's food intake. Not only are plants... click to read more
Boechera, Why are you so Cool?
Kipling once said: "Only mad-dogs and Englishmen go out in the noon day sun". To this list we can also add plants they are out in the noon day sun because they are not able to move to the shade when things get hot. Plants... click to read more
One root for every soil: a double-personality tale
In biology, life success is based on the ability to have offspring. For that, before reproduction, organisms must deal with different and sometimes unfriendly situations. The capacity to overcome environmental challenges increases the possibility to have descendants, and will determine then that organism's life success. A... click to read more
Guiding plant growth electronically
In the not too distant future computers may be used to directly monitor and control the growth of plants. For a moment, consider the prevalence of sophisticated electronic medical technologies already in use today. Patients now regularly receive retinal and cochlear implants to restore vision... click to read more
Capturing Mother Nature at work: seeing how plants make vitamin B6
Vitamins are essential for life. They perform a huge variety of tasks within metabolism, with many helping to promote biochemical reactions in our bodies. In general, we cannot make vitamins from scratch, and so we must obtain them from our diet. Plants and microorganisms can... click to read more
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