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number of breaks: 13

showing 1-5 of 13 breaks

Learning to stop: two types of neurons cooperate to adjust behaviour

We continuously learn about the consequences of our actions and change our behaviour accordingly so we can in future repeat a response that produced the desired outcome and hold back learned behaviours that are no longer appropriate. Imagine you are hungry and go to the... click to read more

  • Miriam Matamales | Research Fellow at School of Psychology, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Views 4625
Reading time 3.5 min
published on Mar 19, 2021
Our blood may be making us smarter

There is nothing subtle about the immune system. T cells, potent immune cells found in the blood, can kill just about anything. In response to a viral infection, T cells move in, kill any of your cells that have a virus inside them, coordinate a... click to read more

Views 4807
Reading time 4 min
published on Mar 1, 2021
What makes us different - chance in brain development and its consequences for individuality

Why are we all different? This is one of the oldest and most contested scientific questions. Naturally, the brain is often the focus of these discussions, as it is the control center for our body and behavior. The debate of "nature vs nurture" tried to... click to read more

  • Gerit A. Linneweber | Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Division of Neurobiology, Institute for Biology, Free University, Berlin, Germany
Views 5027
Reading time 3 min
published on Jan 14, 2021
The belligerence of breeding: female aggression after mating

Sex changes us. In addition to the overwhelming Puberty-Blues kind of way, sex induces physical changes that occur across the entire animal kingdom, from elephants to fruit flies. Yet, there's one glaring aspect of sex that few scientists have studied - female aggression. That's where... click to read more

  • Eleanor Bath | Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Christ Church College, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 2JD, UK.
Views 17465
Reading time 4 min
published on Nov 1, 2017
‘Laughing’ together: bridging avian-mammalian differences

We like animals that we perceive as being similar to ourselves. It is not a coincidence that those animals that humans consider similar to them in terms of appearance, intelligence and/or sociality, also enjoy the highest levels of protection in modern societies (for example primates,... click to read more

  • Raoul Schwing | Professor at Messerli Research Institute, Comparative Cognition, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna (Vetmeduni Vienna), Vienna, Austria
  • Amelia Wein | PhD student at Messerli Research Institute, Comparative Cognition, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna (Vetmeduni Vienna), Vienna, Austria
Views 6100
Reading time 3.5 min
published on Oct 17, 2017