number of breaks: 2
showing 1-2 of 2 breaks
The seed’s hidden defense arsenal: using bacteria to defend against disease
Stable cereal production plays an important role in maintaining a food supply for the world’s growing population. However, seed-borne bacterial diseases can limit crop production and quality. This has been aggravated in recent decades by changes in both the global climate and modern farming techniques.... click to read more
Views 5233
Reading time 3 min
published on Feb 10, 2022
Be prepared: How do baby plants protect themselves before escaping the seed?
Most terrestrial ecosystems are currently dominated by seed plants, a large family encompassing conifers, deciduous trees, grasses and many others. One explanation for their incredible success comes from the structure that nourishes and protects the embryo during its early development - the seed. Inside the... click to read more
Views 5485
Reading time 2.5 min
published on Oct 20, 2020
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