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number of breaks: 9

showing 1-5 of 9 breaks

The migration of marine plankton during the industrial era

Marine plankton forms the basis of life in the ocean, and any changes in marine ecosystems have a profound impact. From observations since the 1950s, we knew that plankton species have been changing their distribution in a way that is consistent with anthropogenic climate change.... click to read more

  • Lukas Jonkers | Postdoctoral Research Fellow at MARUM center for marine environmental sciences, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Views 5419
Reading time 3 min
published on Jan 21, 2020
More boats and less fish in the oceans

A large portion of the world's population depends on marine fishing to maintain their way of life, whether from a diet, cultural, or employment perspective. We cannot separate the action of fishing from one of its most basic technical elements: the fishing boat. At a... click to read more

  • Yannick Rousseau | PhD student at Centre for Marine Socioecology, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Science/CSIRO, Hobart, TAS (Australia)
Views 6462
Reading time 2 min
published on Dec 20, 2019
Sharks, Seals, and the Balance of Power at Sea

Imagine, like a young Darwin on the Beagle, you took an ocean voyage to observe the natural history of the world. If you were to survey the great predators of the sea, you might notice a curious pattern: near tropical shorelines, "cold-blooded" sharks and bony... click to read more

  • John Grady | Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Department of Fisheries and Wildlife and Department of Forestry, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
Views 3772
Reading time 4 min
published on Oct 16, 2019
Ice sheet melting: it’s not just about sea level rise

You've probably heard that climate change is melting the polar ice caps - but what does this actually mean? It refers to the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets, which are large systems of interconnected glaciers, kilometres thick. They are formed by snow falling on land,... click to read more

  • Kaitlin Naughten | Postdoctoral Research Fellow at British Antarctic Survey, Natural Environment Research Council, Cambridge, UK
Views 6872
Reading time 4 min
published on Sep 13, 2019
Warm waters hide in the unlikeliest of places – under the Arctic sea ice

The Polar Regions are a central control and indicator of the Earth's climate. Ice and snow at the poles reflect solar radiation back into space, which helps to keep the Earth cool. However, in recent decades, air temperatures in the Arctic have been rising at... click to read more

  • Mary-Louise Timmermans | Professor at The Department of Geology & Geophysics, Yale University, Connecticut, USA
Views 4782
Reading time 3.5 min
published on Jul 31, 2019