citizen science
number of breaks: 2
showing 1-2 of 2 breaks
Global contamination of honey by insecticides
Bees and other pollinators provide indispensable ecosystem services and are essential for the cultivation of one third of crops worldwide. Yet, this free service may be threatened by the use of insecticides among which neonicotinoids. There is currently a strong debate about banning these pesticides.... click to read more
Views 7719
Reading time 3.5 min
published on Dec 18, 2017
Resetting nature’s clock: shifting seasons and species relationships
Every year, many of us gaze in fascination at the movement of nature's clock, looking forward to seeing wild plants coming into bloom or the arrival of the first migrant birds. Less obvious, but just as dramatic, populations of phytoplankton bloom below the surface of... click to read more
Views 6263
Reading time 3.5 min
published on Sep 14, 2016
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